

A wiki is a web-based collaborative platform that enables you to store, create and modify well-formatted content in an organized manner.

What are wikis used for?

Wiki are commonly used for knowledge management, tutorials and project collaboration. It is a great resource for businesses, teams and individuals who need to share information quickly and efficiently.

What features does a wiki have?

TermX wiki provide the ability to

  • create pages
  • build navigation
  • search for pages and content
  • link related pages of information together using hyperlinks, which makes them ideal for creating connected networks of data.

This provides an easy way to organize information, making it easier for users to access the data they need.

TermX wiki provides

  • powerful syntax for content formatting
  • many plugins for drawing, modelling and linkage
  • content knowledge linkage between all resources of TermX and it representation of the links
  • multilingual support
  • human-friendly urls
  • knowledge isolation to spaces
  • etc.

Page last modified: Jul 28 2023 at 07:38 AM.