Release notes


2.3 SNOMED authoring, synchronization with external servers

Released on November 3d, 2023

  • The SNOMED release management was redone. Support for Snowstorm daily builds workflow. Upgrade to Snowstorm 8.3.
  • Integration with SNOMED browser.
  • New component for preview FHIR API
  • Improved synchronization of terminology with external FHIR terminology servers
  • Support of HTTP headers and OAuth flow for an external server component
  • FHIR $comparator operator for the code system.
  • Improvements in FML Editor.
  • Health check and info endpoints.

2.2 Guest access, FML Editor and import enhancements

Released on October 6th, 2023

  • You can configure publically accessible resources (terminology, structure definitions, transformations, wiki, spaces, …).
  • FML Editor. Added the support of groups, import of StructureMaps, switch between FHIRPath and native FML syntaxes.
  • FML transformation UI are more user-friendly.
  • Added the import of the value sets and code system associations
  • New options for CodeSystem import
  • Added the ability to create FHIR IG files in the GitHub project.

2.1 FML Editor, Github, Capability statement

Released on September 1st, 2023

  • FML Editor. Added ability to design FML transformations through graphical interface
  • GitHub support. Added ability to synchronize Wiki and vocabulary with GitHub
  • 100% support of Capability statement and TerminologyCapabilities
  • Added property-based view of the concepts in the code system
  • Added defined entity properties
  • Export of results of SNOMED ECL queries
  • Bulk management of the concepts in value set rules
  • Improved
    • speed of value set expansion
    • import (better configuration, support of defined properties, Orphanet import reviewed)

2.0 TermX

Released on July 14th, 2023

  • New web interface for terminology management
    • Landing page
    • Enhanced code system and value set management
    • New concept management interface
  • Terminology
    • Authoring flow
    • Comparator of the code system versions
    • Swagger support for all FHIR Terminology endpoints and operations
  • Wiki
    • New navigation
    • Support for enhanced markdown
    • Isolation between the spaces
  • Task management
    • Projects, workflows, Tasks
    • Enhancements of SNOMED browser
    • Support for the translation of SNOMED concepts
    • Management of SNOMED releases
  • Support for observation definitions
  • Provenance support
  • Data transformation
    • Support for FHIR Mapping Language (FML)
  • Rebranding (from KTS to TermX)

1.8 Native support for LOINC

Released on May 9th, 2023


  • LOINC viewer
  • Special LOINC importer
  • Sequences
  • Semantic versioning

1.7 Projects

Released on Feb 14th, 2023

References: Navoiy state of the Respublic Uzbekistan

  • Ability to group resources into the project
  • Ability to compare resources in projects with another terminology server

1.6 Logical models and mappings

Released on December 16th, 2022

  • Support for logical models
  • Transformation of structure definitions beyween FSH and JSON formats
  • Mappings
  • Graphical model builder

1.5 SMART-on-FHIR support

Released on November 3rd, 2022

  • Integration with SMART-on-FHIR apps

1.4 Thesaurus

Released on September 30, 2022

  • Wiki editor to create clinical knowledge base and describe clinical processes.
  • Key features
    • Markdown and WYSWIG editor support
    • Multilingual support
    • Templates for concepts and informational model
    • Visualization of dependencies
    • Visualization of FHIR profiles
    • Visualization of code systems and value sets from terminology


Released on August 29nd, 2022

  • Hierarchical presentation of the code systems and value sets that include the ‘is-a’ property.


Released on August 29nd, 2022

  • The support for ORPHANET ontologies
  • The automatic hierarchy detecter during plain file import for the terminologies with semantical meaning in the codes (such as ATC or ICD10).


Released on August 12th, 2022

  • Add alternative way to manage the concepts of code system to reduce the number of “clicks”.


Released on July 22nd, 2022

A new web page ( with the KTS documentation is available!

This brings new features:

  • Import of the custom code systems and value sets using plain text files
  • Import of the custom concept maps using plain text files
  • Import of the units of measurements (UCUM)
  • Import of LOINC codes
  • Support for Snowstorm
  • Compatibility with OWASP ASVS requirements

Web app:

  • Global search over codes and designations of the code systems, value sets and concept maps
  • UCUM component
  • Code system concepts redesigned


Released on June 17th, 2022

This build brings new modules:

  • Swagger UI
  • OpenID SSO support
  • Keycloack authentication
    • Check out the docs on how to set it up.
      and functionalities:
  • WCAG 2.1 AA support in web application


Released on May 27th, 2022

This build brings new modules:

  • Web application for view, management and import of the code systems, value sets and set maps


Released on March 18th, 2022

Improvements of KTS core

This build brings new modules:

  • FHIR Terminology Module API
  • Imports of WHO and Estonian ATC classifiers
  • Imports of WHO and Estonian ICD10 classifiers


Released on February 23th, 2022

KTS2 core

Reference implementation of CTS2 specification. The following modules are supported:

  • Support for CTS2 entities:
    • Code system
    • Value set
    • Set map
    • Concepts
    • Versioning
  • Service Layer
  • Management API
  • PostgreSQL

Previous releases

Terminology server development began in early 2019 and has been tested on multiple installations in production environments. After a successful implementation, Terminology Server was packaged as a standalone open source product.

Page last modified: Nov 2 2023 at 02:17 PM.