Extended markdown syntax



Namespaces in the links



[Link to the code system **v3-ietf3066**](cs:v3-ietf3066)
[Link to the value set **country**](vs:country)
[Link to the SNOMED concept **Blood pressure**](concept:snomed-ct|75367002)
[Link to **basic markdown page** in the same space](page:basic-markdown-syntax)
[Link to **mammographyn page** in another space](page:healthsense/mammography)

Supported namespaces:

  • Links to the terminology
    • cs - code system
    • vs - value set
    • ms - mapset
    • concept - concept
  • Link to Wiki
    • page - Wiki page

Page Links

[Relative link](/spaces)
[Absolute link](https://termx.kodality.dev/spaces)
[Page in current Space](page:markdown-syntax)
[Page from other Space](page:healthsense/mammography)


Include element to the page.


Alternatively you can provided properties to included element.

{{namespace:value; prop1=val1; prop2=val1,val2}}

Supported namespaces:

  • def - StructureDefinition
  • csc - CodeSystem concepts
  • vsc - ValueSet concepts

Supported properties:

  • type (diff, hybrid, snap)

{{csc:orpha-flag-value|1.0.0; properties=display,code; langs=en}}

Supported properties:

  • properties (code, CS entity properties)
    • Columns are rendered based on the order of the provided properties
  • langs
  • limit

The first column shows concept hierarchy with tabbed spacing based on the CS “Hierarchy meaning” field.

{{vsc:languages|5.0.0; properties=display,code; langs=en; limit=10}}

Supported properties:

  • properties (code, display, designations)
  • langs
  • limit


The “Diagrams” icon in the left panel of the markdown editor opens the built-in Draw.io editor. After closing of the editor the binary representation of SVG image will be stored in the wiki page. Navigate to the content and click “Diagrams” again for editing of existing drawing.

Charting Tools


  Bob->>Alice : hello


Sequence Diagram

Bob->Alice : Hello
Bob <-- Alice: Hello. Please visit https://plantuml.com/


* Debian
** Ubuntu
*** Linux Mint
*** Kubuntu
*** Lubuntu
*** KDE Neon
** SolydXK
** SteamOS
** Raspbian with a very long name
*** <s>Raspmbc</s> => OSMC
*** <s>Raspyfi</s> => Volumio

Page last modified: Nov 22 2023 at 01:09 PM.