
SNOMED CT (Systematized Nomenclature of Medicine – Clinical Terms) is a standardized, multilingual vocabulary of clinical terminology that is used by physicians and other health care providers for the electronic exchange of clinical health information.
SNOMED CT is the largest clinical terminology database, containing more than 400,000 concepts and managed by dozens of clinical working groups.

SNOMED CT consists of four primary core components:

  • Concept Codes – numerical codes that identify clinical terms, primitive or defined, organized in hierarchies
  • Descriptions – textual descriptions of Concept Codes
  • Relationships – relationships between Concept Codes that have a related meaning
  • Reference Sets – used to group Concepts or Descriptions into sets, including reference sets and cross-maps to other classifications and standards.

Procedure example

TermX provide special processing of SNOMED CT terminology as an external terminology.

Page last modified: Jul 28 2023 at 03:14 PM.