Basic markdown syntax


This page gives an overview of the basic markdown syntax supported by almost all Markdown applications. There are minor variations and discrepancies between Markdown processors.
TermX markdown based on MarkdownIT implementation. The non-standard features described on the extended syntax page.


Header 1

Header 2

Header 3

Header 4

Header 5
Header 6
# Header 1
## Header 2
### Header 3
#### Header 4
##### Header 5
###### Header 6


Style Output
Bold This is bold text
Italic This text is italicized
Strikethrough This was mistaken text
Subscript H2O
Superscript E = mc2
| Style         | Output                    |
| Bold          | **This is bold text**     |
| Italic        | *This text is italicized* |
| Strikethrough | ~~This was mistaken text~~ |
| Subscript     | H~2~O                     |
| Superscript   | E = mc^2^                 |


This is a default blockquote.

This is a {.is-success} blockquote.

This is a {.is-info} blockquote.

This is a {.is-warning} blockquote.

This is a {.is-error} blockquote.

> This is a default blockquote.

> This is a {.is-success} blockquote. {.is-success}

> This is a {.is-info} blockquote. {.is-info}

> This is a {.is-warning} blockquote. {.is-warning}

> This is a {.is-error} blockquote. {.is-error}

Content Tabs

Any content here will go into the first tab…

Any content here will go into the second tab…

Any content here will go into the third tab…

Pure CSS tabs. No additional JavaScript is run.

## Content Tabs
## {.tabset}
### First Tab

Any content here will go into the first tab...

### Second Tab

Any content here will go into the second tab...

### Third Tab

Any content here will go into the third tab...



Can be also be used 🔥 inline


Can be also be used :fire: inline

See the Emoji Cheat Sheet for the full list of possible options.

Horizontal Line

Lorem ipsum dolor

Consectetur adipiscing elit

Lorem ipsum dolor


Consectetur adipiscing elit


External image
nternal page attachment

![External image]({width=250 title=Wikipedia align=right}
![nternal page attachment](files/64/pm.png){width=300 title="Kodality webpage background"}

Check <img> specification for additional parameters.


📑 HTML tags are enabled in the source.

The inserted HTML is sanitized using Angular’s DOM sanitizer, and the HTML in the code blocks is escaped using the escape-html library.

The code below should not be propagetad to real input element:

<input type="text" id="name" name="name" required>
<input type="text" id="name" name="name" required>

Inline Code

Lorem ipsum dolor

Lorem `ipsum` dolor

Code Blocks

function lorem (ipsum) {
    const languages = 'Supported languages are javascript, json, xml, html, bash, mermaid, plantuml, fsh, ...'

Supported languages are javascript, json, xml, html, bash, mermaid, plantuml, fsh, …

function lorem (ipsum) {
    const languages = 'Supported languages are javascript, json, xml, html, bash, mermaid, plantuml, fsh, ...'

Keyboard Keys

Lorem ipsum dolor CTRL + C

Lorem ipsum dolor CTRL + C


Absolute link to external page

Relative link to internal page

[Absolute link to external page](

[Relative link to internal page](/wiki/termx-tutorial/extended-syntax)



  1. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet
  2. Consectetur adipiscing elit
  3. Morbi vehicula aliquam
1. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet
1. Consectetur adipiscing elit
1. Morbi vehicula aliquam


  • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet
  • Consectetur adipiscing elit
  • Morbi vehicula aliquam
- Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet
- Consectetur adipiscing elit
- Morbi vehicula aliquam


  • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet
  • Consectetur adipiscing elit
  • Morbi vehicula aliquam
- Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet
- Consectetur adipiscing elit
- Morbi vehicula aliquam


### .links-list
- [Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet *Subtitle description here*](
- [Consectetur adipiscing elit](
- Morbi vehicula aliquam


Header 1 (aligned left) Header 2 (centered) Header 3 (aligned right)
Foo Bar Xyz
Abc Def 123
| Header 1 (aligned left) | Header 2 (centered) | Header 3 (aligned right) |
| Foo      | Bar        | Xyz      |
| Abc      | Def        | 123      |

Stage Direct Products ATP Yields
Glycolysis 2 ATP
2 NADH 3–5 ATP
Pyruvaye oxidation 2 NADH 5 ATP
Citric acid cycle 2 ATP
30–32 ATP
Stage | Direct Products | ATP Yields
----: | --------------: | ---------:
Glycolysis | 2 ATP ||
^^ | 2 NADH | 3--5 ATP |
Pyruvaye oxidation | 2 NADH | 5 ATP |
Citric acid cycle | 2 ATP ||
^^ | 6 NADH | 15 ATP |
^^ | 2 FADH2 | 3 ATP |
**30--32** ATP |||

Task Lists

  • Checked task item
  • Another checked task item
  • Unchecked task item
- [x] Checked task item
- [x] Another checked task item
- [ ] Unchecked task item


 Visible text

Hidden text

+++ Visible text
Hidden text


This sentence[1] needs a few footnotes.[2]

This sentence[^1] needs a few footnotes.[^2]

[^1]: A string of syntactic words.
[^2]: A useful example sentence.

  1. A string of syntactic words.

  2. A useful example sentence.

Page last modified: Aug 28 2023 at 12:13 PM.