User interface



  • Application header - A persistent navigation bar, displayed on the top part of all pages. It consist of menu icon (“1”), application name(“2”), user name(“3”), three dots “…”(“4”) and additional options for accessibility (WCAG preferences)(“5”), language selection(“6”), and logout(“7”).
  • Menu - A persistent navigation menu, displayed on all pages on top side. It consists of menu groups and items that navigate user to the page with required functionality.
  • Work area - page specific content (“8”).

Menu structure

The number of menu items depends on the user permissions.

Per Page

  • Page Actions - Every page contains common actions, such as “links” that redirect to the new page or open related content, or “Add” button that redirects to the new page to create new content.


  • Login page - Non-authenticated user will be redirected to the “Login” page, where login page may differ for every installation and depend on configuration of your enterprise administrators.

Page last modified: Jul 28 2023 at 10:06 AM.